yay i'm back!

Sep 27, 2003 15:48

I know that you all missed me. My piece of shit computer had a power problem and I still need to get it fixed but it will be fixed soon. So Justin has moved in with me to my mom's house and we are going to live here for the next 5 or 6 months till we can save up enough money to move out on our own and get a place back somewhere in the south bay. YAY I also have a job now...i start Monday. I work at justin's work. Ah i love him so much...its a receptionist job and it starts at 9 dollars an hour. wopp wopp. Alright i must wash the hair dye out ofmy hair. Yay for justin's bomb ass fast computer. Bye fuckers.

-smoke dank
-i love justin ryan barnes.
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