hey people! this is
le_natz here! as you may have or have not guessed, i am
updating for
nikki_wa_doko, while she is in Johor. she is at her friend's
cousins wedding. really funny no? anyway, lets see, what should i say... i've been
avoiding doing this for a long time, but tonight, i was thinking what the hell. so
lets see... i know. *ahem*. hey people! it's been a while since i've updated, busy
thinking about
le_natz and his... ANYway, yeah, i'm now in Johor and i just
came back from shopping. there was a terrible jam all the way here and i was so freakin
bored!!! but once i got there... i bought some stuff. i miss
little video. "my strong baton!". hehe! yeah, i'm a bit busy at the moment, and i have
to take of my contacts. i have to wake up before 9.00 tomorrow. so i have to sleep
early. goodnight!... how was that? leave a comment! and yeah i know! i can't do an
impression of her. but that's why she wuvs me! so there!