Once an RPS writer - always an RPS writer.
Everyone here in Russia watched Apocalypto. Everyone in our slash community who was interested in the movie went writing fics. Like, maya-based, jungle-located fics, yes? Jaguar Paw and friends, so to say.
Am in the middle of writing a Mel Gibson/Rudy Youngblood ficlet.
Yeah, I know Mel is 51, okay? And I know he's Roman Catholic. And I know how many times he's been accused of homophobia, so don't tell me. Because those are no impediments, I guess. Because I exist outside the realm of common sense. /sarcasm
But... Rudy.
I mean, there really is a pattern. He's part Mexican and part Indian, and he sings, and... *sigh*
But yeah, I'm totally, totally incurable by now, I guess.
Smile, Rudy... You ate my brain, kid.