I went to see Wolfhound today. :)
The movie... well, it's not exactly that it sucks, let's just put it this way... it leaves MUCH to be desired. It could've been much better, but someone in the crew hired an imbecile for a script writer's job, and so yeah, we have what we have. The only thing left from the book are Wolfhound himself (Alexander Bukharov, who played him, is INCREDIBLE. He's mainly a theater actor, and I guess it's good school because the way he plays... the way his eyes change, even... it's amazing) and the Unflying Bat - now, the Bat is... LOVE! Just plain LOVE, gah, I totally adore the little creature! :) Even if it hadn't been for Bukharov, the Bat would've saved the movie single... oh, single-wingedly, I guess. :D
Foreign distributors have already bought the movie (did so before it ever premierred, in fact), so some of you might see it. If you see the same - or roughly the same - cut of it as we do, I have only one thing to tell you: please DO get through the first 30 minutes of the movie. Give it a chance. The first half an hour is disastrous, absolutely. From then on, the movie picks up somewhat. Too bad it's full of references to every known blockbaster out there, from Star Wars to Lord Of The Rings to The Fifth Element... but the main character - he's BEAUTIFUL. I think he's worth it.
Also, great shots of nature. The entourage, so to say. :)
I could've gotten majorly dissapointed were I not the spoiler-loving type. I read everything on the movie that appeared on the Net after its premiere showing (Dec 28th) and THAT was where I got disappointed, because everyone kept saying how crappy it was. Okay, those were mainly the book fans. I'm also a book fan, but I never expected the movie to follow the book, so maybe that's why my experience was less traumatic than the most. :)
I'm still gonna buy it on DVD. :)