Nov 26, 2007 10:01
I feel so awful right now. Ever since I started my new job I'm gone from 8am to usually 6:30pm or so. When I get home I find that Mona has almost always shit on the carpet, even though I made sure she went in the morning on her walk before I left for work. On Friday Eli made the mistake of leaving the trashroom door open a smidge and not only did she get in..oh no, she turned over the trashcan that was full, opened the back and spilled and dragged everything all over the carpet.
Basically she's acting out because she's upset. Mona has always been extremely temperamental but we've all discussed that she's almost too dumb to understand when she's bad. Whenever she's done anything wrong in the past we've disciplined her and she'd just has those big dumb doe eyes looking back up at you, just sitting a foot away for a few minutes. Sometimes she doesn't even stay away from you, sometimes she sits right next to you wagging her god damned tail because she just loves everyone too much.
Anyway, I don't know what to do. I know that this is most likely a phase until she gets adjusted to my new hours, but how long? Derek already knows I feel bad because I don't want him to be really mad about it (even though I know he has a right to) and he at least understands. Everyone says to lock her in her cage but Mona was never "crate trained" as a puppy and so when you put her in her cage now she will literally scream the whole time and when I get home she will be in a panic, usually she poops because she's so upset about being locked up. Plus, I hate the idea off her being locked up for 10 hours. So what is happening? Well my parents are very willing and telling me to just let her live with them.
I'm sure most poeple in my position would say "sweet!" and throw her at them and be glad they no longer have to come home early from nights out to let their dog out...but I just feel so bad. I love Mona, she's my little girl whether I can't stand her at times or not. So I'm hanging with my mom today and bringing Mona and I'm not sure what to do :(