Sep 22, 2008 19:38
Due to the long weekend out of state, and then the subsequent exaustion the week afterwards, I had 80 LJ posts to read.
It seems idiotic to reply to some of the posts, but I did anyways.
This last weekend I did a lot of nothing... which is exactly what I needed to do. I felt great today when I went in to work. I was smiling, even though it was Monday. It just felt GREAT to feel normal again, and not like I was dragging my feet or thinking through jello.
A coworker was in Abq over the weekend and saw something that made her think of me. So I got a present today! I got a headband with two silly looking bats attached by springs. I wore it around the office and got some looks, even an open scoff from the Office Bitch. I told the coworker who gave it to me that since it irritated the OB I'd have to make sure to wear it more often.