Stepped on a stick yesterday leaving El Sombraro. This is only interesting because I stepped on it in the right way to have this HUGE splinter in my foot. I limped to the car and Bobda took it out for me. We got home then I cleaned it, slapped some triple antibiotic and a bandaid on it.
It didn't really bother me anymore yesterday. Today the scab looks fine but there's some redness around it. It hurts more today to walk on than it did yesterday (other than the initial incident). I don't know if there's anything to be worried about. I just plan on wearing crocs and trying to keep the foot clean.
I had random waves of tired moody bitchy grumpiness yesterday, which ended up driving Bobda mad. I am going to try to be in a better temperment today. I think calling in and not going to work yesterday helped tons. I talked to the manager making the schedule and hopefully I will get a lighter work week next week.
I think we're eating some then heading on the road to spend some time with
phoenixwaller today.