Nov 15, 2002 06:31
I need some sleep, I was up all night flying out here to see Simon...kind of a surprise, you know? I'm sure I would be feeling all light and fluttery if my eyelids weren't drooping so much. Anyway, I plan on taking him out tomorrow. Nice thing is, I don't mind being alone. I know he's busy, I left a message for him to call me at my hotel and I gave the number and the address so he would know where I was. And Hell, if he's too busy to see me, I'll enjoy the scenery and go home..what's wrong with traveling alone? I love just seeing new places and meeting new people. Perhaps that's why this tour isn't so rough for me. I have my son and we're seeing new places together. Everyone else seems stressed out, but I'm loving it. I wish Tristen could be here with me now, but he's loving it back with Mrs. Aaron.
I know this romanticized notion I have about me and Simon may turn out to be a big heartbreak for one or both of us, given his record. I can't use that against him because I, too, have done a lot of things that I'm not so proud of. In fact, when looking at it that way and how similar Simon and I are (bitchy and opinionated), he's probably no more likely to run around breaking people's hearts than I am to go back to stripping.
all I know is I love him. And that's enough to start out with.