Remember You (demo) - Rebecca Sugar

Nov 14, 2012 08:05

Title: Far Off
Pairing: Pre-Cookleta
Rating: G
Summary: In the dark there's another David with him.
Notes: another song drabble-y thing originally posted over here. Any mistakes are my bad. Ummm...also really vague and set in maybe a post-apocalyptic world? It's all Adventure Time's fault. 8[

"Are you awake?"

David opened his eyes and was met with darkness. "Huh...who's there?"

He felt a hand on his shoulder. "I'm David. I found you next to the river and bought you back here."

"Oh," he wished he knew where 'here' was. " name's David too."

The other David was quiet.

He hoped he didn't make him angry or something as he shifted into an upright position, the other David's hand was still on his shoulder.

"You can call me Cook."

"Um okay, Cook."

"I'm sorry it's so dark, David."

His eyes were beginning to adjust to the darkness. "That's okay. It's um...nighttime, huh?"

"Yes," his companion finally let go of his shoulder. "Usually I'd have a fire going but not tonight."

"Why not?"

Cook didn't answer right away again and David really wished there was a light to see the man.

"I don't want anyone or-or anything to find us...especially that thing."


"When the sun comes out we can move and get away from them. They don't like the sun."

David swallowed. He didn't know what Cook was talking about but something inside him told him to trust him. He had brought him somewhere he believed was safe instead of leaving him by the river...

The river.

He frowned as he couldn't remember anything really substantial. Why was he by the river? Why couldn't he remember?

"Don't worry, David. I'll protect you."

David licked his lips, noticing how chapped they were. He didn't know what to say to that. Or much of anything but he ended up settling on a quiet thank you.

Cook was a stranger but he was glad to have him. It was comforting to have someone care especially in the dark (not to mention without any recollection).

"Go back to sleep, David."

It was the last thing he wanted to do but without a word he made himself comfortable on the ground and tried to sleep. He hoped the sun would come out soon maybe he'd get some answers.

fanfic, david cook, david archuleta, cookleta

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