(no subject)

Sep 25, 2012 12:58

Title: Prom Isn’t So Bad
Pairing: Thia/Scotty, set in AU without Idol and all that jazz.
Rating: G
Summary: It's all kind of a burst of unexpectations and reality or something.
Notes: Don't own the peeps in this oneshot. So yeah. Also was a request on tumblr but nobody cared so might as well post here.

Thia isn’t sure what to expect. From what she’s seen from movies and TV shows, read from books and magazines prom usually went a certain way. Dresses were a definite thing and it was important what you and your date wear matched some way. Your date got you flowers or a corsage, at least the good ones from what she understood. About a hundred pictures had to be taken. Then the prom was like a ball in a fairytale or something.

Or something.

Sighing Thia walked past the school bulletin board.


Thia liked going to high school. She met so many new people and befriended a few of them. She was naturally shy but being around them after being homeschooled broke her out of her shell a little. One of them in particular was Scotty McCreery. He was quiet and thoughtful and just a gentleman, she liked being around him. They could be in each other’s presence and just not say a word and it didn’t matter. They liked to talk too though. They liked to talk about class or music or just anything. In fact she was teaching him how to play guitar better. At least when neither of them was busy.

But there was no doubt that Thia Megia liked Scotty McCreery’s company.

Especially while walking to classes.

“Hey Thia, wanna be my date for prom?”

Thia stared, not sure she heard right. The two of them had been walking to their respected classes when suddenly out of nowhere…well that.

Scotty smiled good-naturedly but then looked unsure as she continued to withhold an answer. “Oh did someone already ask? Sorry I didn’t know. It’s okay, I guess I’ll see you there-“

“-um yes,” she interrupted.

The poor boy looked confused. “Um yes what?”

Thia laughed after a moment. “Sorry just…yes, I mean-I’d love to be your date Scotty.”

His face broke into a big smile and Thia was pretty sure her cheeks were pink because they felt hot all of a sudden.

“Well, great!” He grabbed both of his backpack straps. “I gotta get goin’ but we’ll talk more about prom later, ok?”


He nodded before making his way to class.

And all Thia could think of while frozen in the middle of the hallway was:

Scotty McCreery just asked me out.


It took a few hours but thankfully her mom and auntie were finally done helping her prepare for prom. She looked into her reflection and smiled. She was sure she looked nice. She and Scotty had agreed on a light blue for their attire tonight a month ago. She couldn’t help but think it was a good choice of color on their part.

“Your date is here!” she heard her dad call from downstairs.

Thia took a deep breath as she collected her purse and made her way down.

“Oh you look so beautiful!” Her dad started to snap pictures as she walked down the steps.

Thia just smiled. “Thanks daddy.”

“Your daddy’s right. You’re beautiful,” a soft-spoken voice greeted her.

Brown eyes met blue and neither said anything for a moment.

Thia laughed nervously. “Thank you, Scotty. You look really sharp yourself.”

“Well, y’know.” He shrugged before walking over to her and presenting a little box. “My mama practically glued this to my hands so I wouldn’t forget.”


“Yeah yeah…well, lemme put it on ya.”

Thia offered her arm and Scotty put the corsage around her wrist. “There we go.”

And before anything else could be said her dad began directing his own personal photo shoot.


Thia decided that prom really wasn’t something as crazy as books and movies make them out to be. All that stress she felt about screwing something up just kinda melted away. All her friends were there and they were all having a good time. Jacob and Naima were just killing the dance floor.

“They’re great.”

Thia giggled as Scotty handed her a cup of punch. “Yeah they are.”

The two of them sat together at their table in comfortable silence. They laughed whenever Casey or Stefano got goofy while dancing with Haley. They clapped as Naima did something else amazing with her legs. Then the mood shifted as the lights were less harsh and the music was much softer.

Casey sat back down, panting. He looked at the two of them then gestured his head at the dance floor where couples were already swaying back and forth. Scotty looked at him then at Thia, unsure. Casey rolled his eyes and pushed him to stand up.

“Alright, alright!” He looked at Thia and offered his hand to her.

She smiled as she took his hand.

“Thaaaank you!” Casey called.

Scotty rolled his eyes as he led her to the dance floor. Thia giggled a little but licked her lips as the two of them just stood there.


“Well just,” Thia put her hands on his shoulders. “Like this?”

“Yeah, okay.” Scotty placed his hands on her hips.


The two began to sway.


Well, prom was kinda like a fairytale ball Thia decided. She felt like a princess and Scotty was her prince for the night. It was really sweet.

“Thank for bein’ my date, pretty girl.”

Thia felt herself blush again. “You’re welcome, cute guy.”

They continued to sway as another slow song took the other’s place.

Nope. Prom was pretty good, Thia decided.

Glad it wasn’t anything like Carrie…

She couldn’t help but shudder.

Scotty looked concerned. “You cold?”

“Oh uh…no…just fine.”

Yep. Prom was great.

thia megia, fanfic, scothia, scotty mccreery, american idol

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