15 pairings challenge prompts/pairing list

Jun 12, 2013 02:47

I signed up for the 15 pairings challenge. Gonna try and write some Teen Wolf. 8U

thought that leaving the prompts/pairs out will help later on. Maybe. Just nice at any rate.

1. once upon a time - scott/peter

2. "You've got two choices." - melissa/peter

3. separation anxiety - allison/scott

4. practice makes perfect - scott/jackson

5. "Shut up and listen." - stiles/danny

6. piggyback ride - scott/derek

7. up close and personal - finstock/sheriff

8. misery loves company - melissa/victoria

9.  photograph - melissa/sheriff

10. together - stiles/derek

11. mind games - stiles/peter

12. love/hate relationship - jackson/lydia

13. star gazing - scott/isaac

14. friends first, lovers second - scott/Stiles

15. always a bridesmaid - stiles/isaac

15 pairings challenge, writing, teen wolf

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