
Jun 25, 2006 19:25

So I'm absolutely considering leaving the CS 1.6 team. I can't stand the way I'm treated. I'm kind of an outsider. It's mainly because I can't compete in CPL but sometimes I see it having to do with other things, too. I just want to be treated like I'm part of the team. Never in my life have I been apart of a team that didn't accept me as a member. And that's in gaming and outside of gaming. I've been a leader, a captain, as well as a junior officer (in the Fire Department) and the clans or teams I've been apart of as a member didn't even treat me this badly. They choose recruits over me for scrimmages. They even chose my little cousin over me for the X-Fire event. It's whatever. I'm donezo. Fuck it.
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