this entry is to only one person
i miss you so much lauren all the times we had together we were never seen
without the other one there and you were like a sister to me i miss you so much
you dont even know i want you back lauren i really do i am always thinking to
myself that you hate me and that u only wave or say hi to be sometimes because
you dont have enough time for me i feel like im not good enough and latley all
i have wanted was to be good enough to be best friends with you again....
all i want is you back and i hate saying this but i dont think u want me back
as a friend from what u had sdaid over the summer "im not going to be
hangning out with ne one next year that i am hanging out with now" Lauren
that killed me i felt like i had done something wrong when all i know i have
done is tryed to be there for you
i feel like a failure because i dont have u as a best friend ne more.... when u
were my best friend i felt special like i had the best friend in the world.....
i love you so much and i miss you alot.....
maybe sometime you can actually hang out with me ... or call me.....
cause ive tried to hang out with you and tried to call you but all i
get is "no i cant hang out" or "Shes not here shes at so and so's house"
