Feb 03, 2004 18:33
I missed Cordy, no getting around that. She's the closest thing to family I have left. (Closest BLOOD sharing relative anyway.) And I couldnt be happier that she's finally out and about again. (Out...about and on my case. I didnt miss that last one so much.) 'I couldnt be happier' is exactly what id be saying if it was true. But the real truth is that I miss Dawn. I miss her awful fashion sense...her ability to get us in trouble without even trying and even her putting me in my place when I got off on one of my 'The world revolves around me' riffs. (Those are becoming fewer and far between actually)Generally Id never admit to this, but I odd as it seems, miss using windows as a way in and out of buildings. (I still dont get that...but I dont have to understand it to miss it. Maybe she gets it from Buffy)Hell, I even miss Buffy!! And that vein of hers that would go on auto buldge right before she yelled. (For a short person...the girls voice really packs a punch)Those two were the closest thing to a REAL family that ive had in a long while. And even funnier is the fact that I felt safe. Sittin on a hellmouth...living under the same roof as a vampire, a formerly loopy slayer, an ex-demon and...Andrew...I felt safe.
Dawn should be back from her little get away now, but can I contact her? NO. Cor says those two need time to get settled. Hello! Buffy's lived here before so how long can that possibly take? Patients isnt one of my strong suits.
So here I am. Back in the house I thought I'd never be able to bring myself back to. It's so...empty. Even the echoes have echoes. I need to get out of this place. To me, the past still haunts it. (Though Angel and Wes have assured that it's not haunted...literally.)Guess the three of them just moved on once they died.
'Died'. As in the act of being dead...took me a while to actually be able to say that and not break down. My parents, my brother...all dead. He killed them. Angel killed him. One thing I wont allow myself to do is to use the front door. Thats where it all happened.
"Calling her wouldnt be breaking the rules...would it?"