AMV Dump x]] && Mah dadii's birthday..>.>

Aug 09, 2007 21:48

Gawd..finally..after a month of amv--->block, I uploaded amvs...But sasuhina yet.>.> Moi ish working on one right now though x]]

Pyro-chan, Helen-chan, I finally finished the Lulu x C.C. amv.<333

"Pretty Baby" Sasuke x Karin

"Loves Me Not" ShikaTemaSasu

"Listen To My Heart" Kiba x Hinata

"Fall To Pieces" Lelouch x C.C.

"Beautiful Girls--Jojo ver." *Anime Girls"
((...This has Lulu x C.C. in it too..Even though, it has a gazillion other anime >.>))

....Moi can finally have a lil' break...or maybe not >.>


Three days ago, it was mah dadii's 50th birthday, && surprisingly, we actually got along. x]]

Since mah dadii isn't a movie expert at all, I chose the movie we were going to see && I chose Hairspray.<33

My God, that movie is H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S. I could not stop laughing..I mean seriously...I don't know the last time I've laughed that hard. Mah mumii was laughing like crazii too. x]]

After that, the Harry Potter 5th movie was right up next in like the other theater, so like me && mah dadii were saying to just go there && see, but my idiot of a brother was like..'it doesn't feel right.' So yah..G'bye HP 5.>.>

Anyways, we had dinner at Gerry's Grill afterwards, but it was closed at 1st cuz it opened at 5:30 && it was still 5:00, so we went to Sports Authority...&& of course..I almost never leave a store without buying anything..>.> So I bought a pair of black short mesh shorts && a black  tank top..I felt a lil' bad though, cuz I bought things && mah dadii, the b-day person, didn't.>.> Nikki ain't really cool with her dadii, but she ain't heartless to not feel guilt.>.>

Then we had our dinner in G.Grill's, && the Filipino food was just fantaboulistic.<333 x]]]]]]

..&& of course, afterwards, moi went home. <333 x]]

hairspray, code geass, dadii's b-day, rambling, naruto, amvs

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