After her talk with Allie, Nikki was determind to actually try to win. Even if she still wasn't sure if she could do it, having her best friend behind her made her feel so much better.
Nikki stood outside the Great Hall passing out cookies of various types to everyone who would stop and take one from her. There were giant chocolate chip cookies, sugar, gingerbread dressed up like Hogwarts students, and even fortune cookies.
The fortune cookies read "For the girl who is never seen. Nikki Carsini for queen!" It was really lame but sort of clever, she thought. Either way, it made her laugh.
But set aside was a few special cookies she had set aside.
Harry: Thanks for giving me the strength!
Allie: I've picked out the wedding dress! BFFs
Angie: The pep talk worked. Stay out of trouble and feel better!
George: You're a shoe in for least in my heart. ♥
Fred: First year bowling later! You and me.
Nate: Nate for Prince. He's charming anyway. Love you.
Gwenn: Maybe we'll both get crowns! ^^