May 11, 2004 11:01
So today I have to work from 1-9 so OF COURSE it's going to be a hottest day all week!!! Freakin 88 degrees and I'm stuck at work alll day. I did, though, get to enjoy some of this nice weather this morning. I went outside to read my new book, and the bugs weren't bothering me so it was nice to lay in the sun. My mom and I talked about where I'm going to live in 2 years since you can only live on campus for 2 years then you have to get an apartment, so i'm leaning more towards my Uncle Joe's extra apartment in Revere because then I could get a job in the summer along the Revere Beach strip, that would be nice :) My other options are either my Uncle Tom's apartment in Cambridge, or a Suffolk Apartment on Tremont St. But I won't get to bring my cat :( And he gets depressed when I'm not there, it's so sad. We all think that the place in Revere would be the best for me... but I have 2 years to decide.. so I've got some time.
Okay well next week I have to start getting new clothes for San Diego :) I can't wait. It's going to be so awesome.
alright - i really should go get ready for work. Cya! -Nicole