Mar 14, 2005 23:04
i went to some captain coaches SWC meeting tonight, it made me feel extra special and motivational about softball. I feel dorky, but i was like honored she chose me to go out of everyone, even though we don't have captains she said I'd been working the hardest, and it's nice that she notices.
sometimes i think i need a little chris j in my life. sometimes. i don't know I'm not sure if it's just in a jealous rage because of heather, i don't even know whats going on there, i don't want to. but sometimes, when he's the same as he was..when he's goofy, when he's just this nice funny skater kid who is always in a good mood, and could make me laugh so hard, i get some butter with some fly's on the side. but he's not like that all the time anymore, he's barely like that at all. at least towards me.
but sometimes i think i need, well not mike, but...a mike-ish guy who's not such a jerk and had a mind of his own. but just someone i could sit and watch TV with and not have to go out and party or particularly do anything, haha also that could beat the shit out of pretty much everyone i know. that was a plus.
i think i need to find a medium. anyone know and cute goofy buff guys that are hilarious?
whatever. i do what i want.