Supanova Sunday extra

Apr 20, 2010 21:04

OMG I just remembered another thing Karl said in his talk.

He was asked about who he wants to see Bones develop more of a relationship with, besides Kirk and Spock. So anyone on the crew. He said that ST to him was character driven and about all of them. Then he started on a little tangent that he thought that Bones being in a relationship with a Red Shirt would be interesting. Especially if one morning, he gets up and forgets to check which shirt he grabbed, so he has to spend the whole day wearing the red shirt. "Oh look an away mission, I think I might give it a miss today"

7ofeleven has just pointed out to me that I don't think Karl realised that he admitted he wants McCoy in a relationship with a MALE red shirt. Only way that scenario would work, cause he might notice if he goes to put the dress on instead. Oh Karl, don't change! Wonder if this means he was angling for some Scotty/McCoy action?

One other kinda sweet thing was a young boy in the photo line asking me if I was a Doctor Who fan. This was so he could tell me that I remind him of Donna, not just in looks but also in the way I speak. I think that had to be one of the nicest compliments I got all weekend, because Donna is awesome. I told him that I used to be a temp too and I was brilliant at it. :D

karl urban, my life, supanova, cons are awesome

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