Bridge2Sickbay prompt fills - 18th January 2010

Jan 19, 2010 16:45

Below are the prompt fills for the bridge2sickbay rounds held on the 18th January 2010. This rounds themes were Newspaper Headlines.

Stalking Laws Under Scrutiny - Kirk, Spock (PG)

The United Federation of Planets President, Mr Ca'meron, today announced a working party to look into the Stalking Laws of all Federation Planets.

A source inside the Federation refused to confirm if the working party was a result of recent events on board the USS Enterprise after their recent visit to the Risian System. They did confirm that there had been strong, fresh communications between Starfleet and the Federation.

It was revealed exclusively by this paper last week that Captain James T Kirk and his Vulcan, First Officer Spock were followed back onto the USS Enterprise by an enterprising Risian. What followed on the ship has been the subject of much conjecture but it was understood that a Risian female was treated for severe bruising of the shoulder area at the Happy Holidays Hospital, as well as rumored phaser burns, before her and her records disappeared. Flight plans do indicate that a shuttle departed for the Penal Colony on Kenfir IV shortly after the discharge time for the unknown patient.

It does beg the question as to why the Risian's are so tight lipped about this patient and the incident in question. Risa has not been known for their lack of information giving. Never fear, dear reader, this paper will get to the bottom of the matter.

Delta Vega: Must Experience Skiing Hotspot - Scotty, Keenser (PG)

"Look here, you little rocky beastie, I am the senior Starfleet Officer here and I say we are not going out there!" Scotty pointed one gloved finger at Keenser.

Keenser crossed his arms and glared at Scotty. Scotty figured it was a glare as the all black eyes were a little tricky to try and figure out his expressions. He had only been stuck on this stupid planet for two weeks and he did not want to know what Keenser had done to be stuck here. That alien had been here a year, apparently!

"You come back here! I'm talking to you!" Scotty yelled as Keenser walked away from him, his anger evident in every step he made.

Keenser disappeared around the side of the shuttle and banging and searching could be heard. Scotty thought about getting up and moving to see what he was up to and then spun the chair back around and put his feet up on his desk. He decided that the best option for a Starfleet Officer in this situation was to lean back, close his eyes and pull his scarf up and over his nose. The hat was warm that he had found in the lockers but obviously made for someone with a bulging head. It was also really scratchy, so pulling it down over his face to block out the light was not an option.

Scotty woke with a jump when an item was bashed down on his desk. Whatever had made the noise, was placed with sufficient force that it reverberated around the cavernous workspace.

Keenser was standing with his arms crossed in front of him, well Scotty hoped he was a he. In exactly the same spot as before, but this time he seemed to radiate smugness. There on the table were some old fashioned skis, like from the 19th Century. Attached to the back were some small propulsion engines.

Scotty smiled at Keenser, "Now that's what I'm talking about Laddie! Why didn't you say so in the first place?"

Scotty grabbed the skis and headed for the nearest exit, not checking to see if Keenser was following or not.

"Men!" Keenser muttered as she wandered back so she could work on the hyper-conductor in peace again.

War Ended With a Slice of a Sword - Sulu, Chekov (PG)

"Pavel, get back!" Sulu cried as the despuria hypoxia wended another tendril around the delicate purple flowers of the indigoese gunther.

Sulu turned his concentration back onto the warring plants.

There was a sliding sound that he was very familiar with and Sulu looked up in horror to see Pavel wielding his Katana. Pavel sliced through the tendrils and the despuria hypoxia slunk back to it's normal size, cowering from it's injuries.

"In Russia, we know how to end a war," Pavel said.

Engineer Caught in compromising position with furball - Scotty, Tribble, Gaila (PG)

"Um, Scotty, is that a furball in your pants or are you just happy to see me?" Gaila asked, one delicate eyebrow raising.

Scotty blushed a red that perfectly matched the color of his uniform.

Vulcan Ambassador Elopes in Vegas - Spock, Sarek/Amanda (PG)

Spock was half paying attention to the computer screen as he sat on the couch in his quarters. That is not to say that he was neglecting his duties, Starfleet had sent some older paper clippings that he was looking over for information on the past Vulcan/Terra relations.

One headline caught his attention as it flashed up on the screen and then disappeared just as quickly. He lent forward to halt the program and scroll back. There in old fashioned newsprint font was the headline, "Vulcan Ambassador Elopes in Vegas".

If his mother was in the same room, she would have known the look on his face to be one of shock and confusion. His eyes were flicking back and forth as he quickly read the article. At the end he sat back onto the firm padding of the couch and steepled his fingers together as he pondered this new development.

His father and he had now open lines of communication in relation to the issue of the relationship between their marriage. This was new information that needed to be pondered.

Spock thought back to the conversations they had had during the immediate time after the destruction of Vulcan. The logical conclusion he was able to ascertain was that the marriage between a Human and a Vulcan was logical when love was involved. This new development of the apparently hasty marriage between his father and mother brought in some new parameters.

Spock stood and made his way over to his cupboard. He withdrew his meditation mat and equipment. He set it up and sat down to ponder the logic of love and the actions it caused.

Scientists Divided Over Cause of Euphoria in Squid Population - Spock, McCoy (PG)

"Now look here, you damned computer, I told you that combination of water and gas would cause a right problem," McCoy argued as he followed Spock down the corridor.

"Incorrect doctor, you informed the Bridge, that it was a 'dang fool idea' but did not offer an exact reason for your outburst, at the time," Spock calmly replied.

"Fine, whatever, but you have to admit that thousands of incredibly happy squishy squids are now floating on the surface of that planet as a direct result of sending down that probe?" McCoy grouched.

"Until we receive more data I will not make an assumption that will in all likelihood prove to be 32.78% incorrect. I will leave the assumptions up to those areas that specialize in them, like Medical." On that note Spock walked into the Turbolift, leaving a spluttering Chief Medical Officer standing outside the doors.

Underwear Model, Genius Surprise Everyone - Chekov, Gaila, Uhura (PG)

"Nyota, why is Pavel Chekov walking across the Quad in a Starfleet Uniform?" Gaila asked as she grabbed her roommate by the arm.

"Because he is in Starfleet, Gaila," Nyota responded with her exasperated tone.

"What? Really? No way! You know him? Can you get me his autograph? Oh wait, I have to get my copy of Vogue for you. Wait right there," Gaila ordered as she turned and ran away, back into their Barracks, seeming after some item from their room.

Nyota waited, staring after the insane behavior of her roommate. It wasn't long before Gaila came flying back out of the doorway, her red hair flying behind her and attracted much attention from male and female cadets alike. She had in her hands a magazine that was clutched tight to her chest. When she reached Nyota, so removed it far enough away so that she could open it immediately to a page within.

"See, Pavel Chekov! Isn't he the best?" Gaila announced as she showed it to Nyota.

"Oh my god!" Nyota exclaimed as she took in the picture of a mostly naked Chekov, with a pout and those curls flopping over one eye.

"He is like, the best model and he's here, at Starfleet! You know him, please get me an autograph? Please, please, please?" Gaila begged, bounding up and down on her feet and making her hair and other parts of her anatomy move along with it.

Nyota ignored the looks towards them that Gaila's movements were causing. At a complete loss of words for once at the surprising news in front of her eyes.

"Oh, even better, you can introduce me!" Gaila announced as she grabbed Nyota's arm and started dragging her across the Quad and towards where Pavel was talking with McCoy. Gaila pulled the magazine back out of Nyota's hands. "No drooling on this copy, I have two more back in the room that you can drool over, they are used to it!"

Nyota could only match her strides to Gaila's excited gait, otherwise her shoulder would have been pulled out of the socket. Nyota dreaded the upcoming interaction with Pavel. What McCoy was going to make news that Pavel was a model and even worse she could imagine Jim's reaction once he found out.

keenser, sarek-amanda, kirk, tribble, gaila, rating: pg, mccoy, spock, scotty, chekov, fanfic, sulu, star trek, uhura

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