This is my first entry for
womenlovefest. All they wanted was fandom to post up a little bit about why we love certain women, who are often disliked by others in fandom.
Instead of picking one character and making a post each day for them, I've decided to pick seven of them (share the love around!) and make icons for them.
First up is Amy and Amelia Pond from Doctor Who.
I love Amy, because she is a character I recognise. There were a few girls in the UK I know who are similar to Amy Pond, so when she first appeared I immediately could understand her.
I love her short skirts and her ability to still run when needed (sensible shoes are a must for any companion).
I love her flirtatious nature and confidence.
I love how she can make the most adorable of faces (see no 14) and even if she gets a little flustered she pretty much keeps her cool.
I love that she has learned that your nightgown isn't the best option to be wearing when visiting new places. And I love her devotion to Rory (another fav character of mine).
I love Amelia praying to Santa Claus at Easter.
I love Amelia's resilience, considering how alienated she felt growing up mostly along (well in one of her pasts anyway...)
I love that Amelia is oh so very Scottish and told the Doctor his idea was "rubbish".
She is the girl who waited in more ways than one. Long live Amy the Pirate!
Icons celebrating Amy this way