(no subject)

May 20, 2006 23:20


havent updated in awhile. thats becoming typical.

i've been busy lately. finals are done, summer is sweet. i got Bs in all of my class classes and a C in my one hour directed study that i did all my work for in one night, so rock on. Last saturday zach and i drove out to shreveport. long ass 10 hour drive. but we did get cracker barrel and olde timey candy, and we decided to make a movie called "The Umpire." its tag line will be: Strike Three, You're DEAD." and here's teh catch...the umpire is a vampire. and in the title, the I would be a bloody bat. so i guess this badass vampire/umpire goes around dressed in full umpire get up and kills people with bats. the last scene will be the umpire walking away from a flaming baseball field smoking a cigarette while "bad to the bone" plays. this way there can be a sequal if this one is any good.

shreveport was rockin, i had a good time, in spite of the 3 trips to IHOP on three consecutive nights. i would definately go back, but not for awhile and not for too long at a time cause i dont know if there is much for me to do there since i know like 5 people who live in shreveport. but i had a blast, awesome trip.

i got back wednesday evening. thursday i did absolutely nothing except go over to lori's and drink too much rum. so early friday morning i had to go pick my dad up from marta hungover. oh well.

friday night ashley and i were supposed to go to Country Fair. After finding out parking was 10 bucks i was like hell no, the tickets were only 5. so we sold our tickets for friday and went to LaGrange early for our cousin whitney's graduation. We had a really nice dinner, with most excellent wine, at a steakhouse in downtown legrange. we stayed at a little bed and breakfast since all the hotels were sold out. i passed out pretty early that night despite major napping that afternoon.

this morning we got up at like 6 and had breakfast at the place we were staying. it smelled really good and even looked yummy. the lady who made it said it was baked raspberry stuffed french toast. yummy, right? NO. it was NASTY. so breakfast was a bust. we go to whitney's graduation and hear some senator talking about black stuff. something about the civil rights movement, shotgun houses, tornados, basketballs, and getting in the way. pretty much summed up the term black i think. overall it was a nice ceremony, and not too long. and to be honest i spent most of the time watching my cousin's new baby, hes too adorable. ashley, hurry up and pop one out so i can spoil it without any of the responsibilities of parenthood.

there was a graduation brunch which was good, and then we went to look at property in fayetteville, that was a bust. my dad thinks its too country. oh well. so we went to country fest tonight. that was fun. saw lonestar and sara evans. now im tired. oh yeah, in just 16 hours i banked 190 bucks, 150 of it cash, and two sets of travel bags and a nice candle. GRADUATING ROCKS. FREE SHIT. ok, that sounded selfish, but i didnt mean it that way, i'm just excited about my savings account inflating.

i've written enough, this should last a few weeks.

ps. i'll be in the aretta tomorrow, someone call me to hang out so i don't hang myself.
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