can't get enough surveys lol

May 05, 2004 11:24


*Name: Nikki
*Age: 19
*Height: 5'6"
*Eye Color: Hazel
*Hair Color: Brunette
*Grade: 1st year in college
*Straight/gay/lesbian/other?: Straight
*Birth month: March
*Single/taken: taken

*If not single, whats your boyfriend/girlfriend's name?: Jay
*If Single, do you have a crush?:....
*If so, care to share his/her name?:...


*Bands: Linkin Park
*kind of clothing on a girl: me personally, tank tops or baby tees with jeans
*kind of clothing on a guy: nice tee shirts and jeans
*Scent: Fierce from abercrombie or Curve cologne
*hair color on opposite sex/same sex/person you like type person (not sure your prefrence and i want to keep this equal for everyone: dirty blond or brown
*eye color on opposite sex/same sex/person you like: doesn't matter
*hair color on yourself: my hair color now, brunette
*radio station: 99.5


*Many Guys have you loved: my one and only :)
*Many Girls you have loved: as friends? one, amanda :)
*Many Times have you kissed a person (this doesnt mean making out.. told you i'd make the quiz hard!): um, a lot? i dunno how many exactly
*far you been with a person: sex
*Many times have you had sex: a lot, and to not make myself sound like a slut, it was all with one person lol
*Many times have you thought about sex: a good amount
*Many kids do you want when your older: 2-3

*late have you stayed on the phone and with who: i dunno, i'm not really a phone person


*Who is your best friend: amanda and joshua
*Who is the person you think about: jay
*Do you think about him/her on occasion or constantly: constantly
*Who can you stay up all night and talk on the phone with when you know you should really be sleeping but you cant stop talking anyways: amanda
*Out of everyone who can u hang out with for the longest time without killing eachother: amanda def
*In school, do u have a friend/'s who is/are always there and help you when you need it, if so who are they?: NATALIE!!
*Out of school who helps you the most: Natalie
*Do you, or are you, going to college after high school?: already at college
*What are you afraid of?: spiders
*Do you have a favorite couple? me and jay i guess?
*What do you want to be when your older: Pastry chef
*Who is your idol?: Gale Gand and my mom
*Do you miss any of your ex's in your life or wish you could go back (be honest now people): no
*Do you regret anything in your life?: yeah
*What are you obbessed with (objects, not people)?: food!
*Ok since we are on the subject of obbsession, who are you obbsesed with?: not really obsessed, just very interested in jay lol
*And Finally, Are you happy this quiz is done?: sure
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