Jan 14, 2013 22:58
Seven years is quite a while, and for seven years ELF has been fighting long and hard for amazing fifteen. But Siwon said “You don’t have to be an ELF from the start, but ELF until very the end”. I carry this everywhere I go, because I wasn’t ELF from the start. I became an ELF after Kyuhyun’s accident, after Zhoumi and Henry joined SJ-M. I used to beat myself up for that. But in the end I always reminded myself : as long I call myself ELF and love Super Junior to infinity, there is absolutely nothing I should be beating myself up for.
I’ve been in this fandom long enough to know that we have scars too. We never stop to acknowledge them because the first thing on our minds is, “Super Junior. Is Super Junior okay?” That was when I realized that Super Junior is so different from other idols out there. No one tells them to thank us, to remind us about how much they love us and will care for us. Yet Super Junior finds it so important to tell us day by day how much they appreciate and treasure us, no matter how bad we are, they always remind us of their love. They have more than enough fans to know that they don’t even have to tell us these things, yet they still do. And that’s why we love Super Junior so much more than other groups and singers, why we don’t simply become infatuated with their looks or talents, but for who they are as people.
Rather a fan besotted with her idol, ELF and Super Junior are a family. We love each other and it doesn’t take words to express it. So many others simply say, “We love you. Thanks for the support.” Super Junior constantly thanks us, shows us that they aren’t possible without ELF, loves us day by day. They are never afraid to be the typical little boys they are. They fight, they cry, they joke. And although Super Junior says that there is no them without us, there is also no us without Super Junior. We are a family and there’s absolutely nothing else to it.
To the boys who make sure to keep us smiling day by day, who go through so much and still never forget those crazy little fangirls who stand right behind them… All I have to say is that I am eternally grateful for the beautiful fifteen and how far they have come. I am eternally grateful to what they have accomplished and I promise to make them smile as much as they have made me smile. That is my promise. My promise to believe. (source : guixien)
super junior