Jun 02, 2008 22:34
So I'm back from Pencampwr and it was again an absolute blast. The weather was epic, we had lightening, thunder, pavillion mangling (D:) winds, rain by the tonne and power/water blackouts for a few hours on Saturday night.
The King and Queen were over and they were great - very impressive in their awesome Tudor stuff. I got to be lady in waiting for Queen Bethan for the weekend and it was so cool - I got to lace her into her awesome dresses and beat her farthingale into shape and artistically arrange her sleeves and keep her watered during the epic-ly long court and keep her company during the day (when I wasn't running around doing other stuff :P) The king was great fun as well - super-occer with a penchant for cheese who was perfectly happy to stay up til 2 with us playing Toblero.
Saturday was Daniel's birthday, yay! He really is an old man now, into triple decades! :P He got himself Rather Drunk, which was very amusing for me, but not so much for him the next morning :P
Andre was knighted! Huzzah Sir Andre! The ceremony was a tear-jerker, everyone was sniffly. A million people (including myself) got their Award of Arms meaning I'm Lady Gillian now, awesome. I was also made a member of the Order of the Golden Swans (a baronial award for the Arts and Sciences). Then I was invited to sit at the high table for the feast so all in all Sunday was a rather overwhelming night. Mmm golden syrup mead.
Omg tavern night *hangs head in shame*. No actually I take that back because it was so much fun. There was a "Sauciest Wench" competiton running and I happened to mention "wouldn't it be funny if I wrote stuff all over myself with tomato sauce" and was immediately supplied with chocolate sauce and the king wrote "VOTE ME" on my chest (I was wearing my new Uber-wenchy cotehardie so there was plenty of room) and I wenched around asking people "Am I not the sauciest wench in the room?". Only a few of them actually licked me... :P. But the honour of being the most saucy wench in the populace went to Annelyne, whose cleavage and sultry dance skills are simply unbeatable :D :D. Insane combat Duck Dance was also made of win, I'm sure there are many bruises :P
Oh god I need sleep. Sleeeeeeep. Mmmm real bed...mmm no weird noises....mmm no truckdrivers honking horns late at night. Crap have to go rummage for my toothbrush. GNITE ALL. If I find good photos anywhere I will pinch them and show you guys.