
Apr 12, 2009 07:37

I like Easter. I appreciate taking the time to look inside, to take inventory, and to re-awaken the truth inside of me. Easter is about re-birth, and I expand that to mean my own re-birth. Anyhow, today is Easter, blessings to all! I'm not going to make it to church, because I'm scheduled to work at 11 today. That's ok.

I went to a memorial yesterday, for my aunt's ex-husband's mother. It was a lovely service, although very heavy on the "God is great, she's in heaven" message. While I was there, I discovered that my aunt's ex-husband is dating Kimi's uncle's ex-wife. Basically, my uncle Steve is dating her aunt Lori.

It's a small world.

I got home around 8 last night (the service was in Puyallup) and my mom was here. She brought me a deck set, so there's somewhere to sit on my little deck. She wants to get me a nice one, but had this one at her place, and no one was using it. So there we go. She's sane, which is amazing. Coming up on a year as a functional member of our family. Impressive.

Time for coffee. I'm definitely a little foggy today. It's my Friday, though. Homework is done for the weekend, so once I'm off I get to just de-compress.
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