Mar 05, 2009 09:09
Ok. This week BCC started having "drop in" advising. Today the hours are from 9-4. Well, it's ten after nine now, and I've got to get cleaned up. Then, to the school! Well, first I'm going to see if I can rustle up my copy of my assessment testing. I'll worry about official transcripts from SVC later, because I am DEFINITELY NOT registering for a math class this quarter. I recieved confirmation that my FAFSA reports are available for the school to review, so that's good too! I'll see if I can't print out a copy. Dale installed a new OS (which I'm not supposed to talk about) and I don't think he's installed the printer yet...
Alright. Breakfast, dress, face. I showered last night, so I'm just going to fluff my hair. It's raining like nothing else, so to hell with attempting any sort of "style." Then off! Will update later...