Feb 26, 2009 10:47
I was going to head into work around 11, because Deb was getting arrested (it's a fundraiser for the Kirkland Police something or another.) Well, that got cancelled due to snow, and potential un-delivery of our whole bean order. She may very well have to go rustle up some Espresso beans if our order doesn't come.
So I have until 1:30 to get to work. Dale and I got up at 6:45. He has a test today, and he's not quite prepared. He knew this when he scheduled it, but wants to push himself as hard as he can. In this vein, I really think the anti-depressant is working. He is much more motivated, although still his ADD scatterbrained self. I tell him over and over again how proud I am of him, and we talked last night about how this is my first, and maybe last, chance to do school full time.
Anyhow, with a few extra hours this morning, I'm doing what any self-respecting house-frau would do: cleaning. The fridge is cleaned out, the counters scrubbed, the diswasher loaded. I have the kitchen trash soaking in the bathtub, because try as we might, the can still gets messy even with a bag in it. Next is to fold the load of clothes on my bed, run the vacuum, sweep (and maybe mop) the kitchen floor, and eventually I'll get the bathtub sprayed down. Then rinse it, shower, get ready for work. Also need to start a load of clothes (darks, the only load to do) and set the dishwasher to run while I'm at work. Before I vacuum, I've got to empty the vacuum cleaner and put a new filter in. Oh, and prep dinner. I'm doing easy chicken pesto pasta, so it's really just a matter of defrosting and cutting up the chicken, and dicing some onions. Mushrooms are already sliced.
That's enough stalling. Time to rinse out the trash can!