Note to self: Do not read
secretary_rpg after a four-day weekend without your meds.
::is emotionally spazzing::
So busy. A situation not likely to improve over the next few days. Got some great info at LuxembourgFest this weekend, and bought a book on a new branch of the family I haven't researched much yet.
I am so behind on my flist, I will literally never catch up. The WriterCon boost of 21 new friends is a contributing factor here! ::waves to 21 new friends::
In the next week, I shall endeavor to pack up everything I own and hang out with all of my local friends before I leave for Madison on Saturday. Hopefully, other activities will include finishing up some ficathon entries and the WriterCon write-up. We'll see.
You know what that time will include? Taking my meds. That whole "forgetting to pack them" thing this weekend was a bad idea.