Vacation Report - Day 1

Feb 13, 2010 11:36

I'm in South Carolina!  Where it snowed last night for the first time since 1995!  ::headdesk::

But it's sunny this morning and the snow is already melting.  My mom and cousin and I are heading out to Savannah today for a trolley tour.  I was able to get on her wireless network this morning and satisfy my urge to surf.  However, I'm wearing my contacts, since I want to wear sunglasses today, so I'm slowly giving myself headache.  Bad plan, Rebecca!

We had a nearly eventful flight last night.  Before we boarded, they started calling for volunteers to get bumped, saying we had a "weight imbalance" problem (they later explained that we need extra fuel for the bad weather).  No one volunteered (well, they kept saying things like "we'll get you on a flight sunday morning" - um, no, I am going on vacation!  I'm not missing most of the weekend!).  Unfortunately, they let everybody board and then realized they should have stopped some people.  So eight people had to *de*-board, according to price paid, luggage, check-in time, flyer status, etc.  The people behind us were pissed.  The lady was practically shouting about how unacceptable it was and she was absolutely not getting off and on and on.  Everyone just sort of hunched over in our seats.  Awkward.

Luckily, my mom and I were among the blessed and we got to fly to South Carolina.  We had our usual chatty fun time of things, flirting with the flight attendant and scamming free pretzels.  Everyone was getting a free (alcoholic) drink as well, which was a nice surprise.  Must be to make up for all the hassle earlier on.  Anyway, after the plane landed, the lady across the aisle from us leaned over and thanked us for making it such a fun flight for her.  She's apparently a really nervous flyer and she said watching us have such a good time really helped.  We laughed and thanked her and immediately started wondering if she'd been listening to the more personal conversations!  Not that we care that much or we wouldn't have been having them, but still!  You don't expect someone to acknowledge that they've been listening to you conversation the entire time.

We stayed up another couple hours chatting with my cousin and her boyfriend after we got here, despite the fact that it was midnight.  Then we chatted another few hours this morning before finally getting started with the whole showing and grooming concept.  We'll get going just in time for lunch in Savannah *g*  I love vacation!

people:the fam, travel

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