Jun 24, 2008 00:00
Wow. We won a game! A softball game! In which we played softball in a manner superior to our opponents! No, really! As my buddy on the team said, "What's that strange taste in my mouth? Oh, yes - the sweet taste of victory!"
Admittedly, we drafted three ringers so we wouldn't have to forfeit due to only having 2 women again. These three women strode into the dugout with cleats, socks, and professional looking bat bags. Um, wow. You be up first, okay? I wonder how often they hang out after their own games are over, getting drafted by desperate teams.
Anyway, I was at 3rd again, where I never touched a ball last week. This week? I made two outs in the first two innings! I caught a pop fly, to my utter shock and amazement. I didn't even call it as it was falling, because it didn't occur to me that I would actually catch it. Then in the second inning, the pitcher threw the ball to me for a force out. I was slightly unprepared and barely caught it, but catch it I did (next time, I prefer to stop the ball with my glove rather than my bare right hand, but that's just a tiny detail). Seriously guys, since when does 3rd base do anything in D-league games?! Not much of interest rest of the game. I fielded an easy grounder and threw the ball toward what I intended to be the first baseman, but was actually an imaginary person standing 10 feet to the first baseman's left. Imaginary Person missed, and the ball went out of the park, allowing the runner another base. Sigh. The fact that the shortstop had just done the same thing didn't make me feel much better, and when that runner made it home in the next play, that hurt. It would have been the 3rd out, see.
First two times I was up, I got walked. Well, the first time it was only because the guy before me was walked, and that's an automatic walk for the woman after him in this league. As a feminist, I have mixed feelings on this policy, but I took the base anyway. Guess I don't feel that strongly about it. Next time up, I was walked myself. Next time up, I actually got a good hit, which the left fielder promptly caught. Next time up, I got a pathetic hit toward the pitcher, but there must have been some error because I made it on base (and even got an RBI). I was being a good runner and legging it out, so I didn't see. So, nothing heroic at the plate from me. Still, I feel I contributed my fair share to the win.
The three ringers were kind of shocked that we'd never won a game before, but we assured them this was a big night for us. Some of us hung around drinking and talking afterward, which was nice and friendly. I got to play with a smiley toddler, which was also nice.
It was a 9:30 game, so it was 11:15 by the time I headed out of the park. I was playing the Chicago soundtrack in the car and singing along quite lustily when I realized I had just missed my exit. Oops. Well, I'll just get off at the next one and turn around. Nope. It was one of those tricky ones where there's no way back on the Interstate. I had just landed in downtown Cincinnati at 11:30 at night, and I had no idea where I was or how to get home. Lovely.
I never panicked, though. I just kept making turns that seemed in vaguely the right direction and clinging gratefully to signs that said "Interstate this way" and such. I made it out with as much grace as possible, although I caught nearly every single red light along the way. And that's my downtown adventure for today. Gotta love an entry that gets both the "me:go me!" tag and the "me:d'oh" tag!
Now I'm quite tired and aiming for bed. I'm going to dinner tomorrow with some people, so that will be fun. Plus, I'me wearing one of my new outfits! I admit, I saved it for tomorrow so more people could see it.
me:go me!,