Pie sometimes helps, too

Oct 04, 2007 22:56

Thank you for the bolstering hugs and good wishes, everyone.  Especially those icons, by the way - wonderful.  I'm feeling better after my choir rehearsal.  Singing those songs and following the music takes so much concentration that I can't obsess over anything else for the three hours I'm in there.  By the time I'm done, I have a tiny bit more perspective on things.  Plus, Christmas music makes me happy.  Plus, the director thinks I walk on water and doesn't let me leave for the night without telling me repeatedly how wonderful and smart and nice and beautiful I am.  That doesn't suck.

I was able to get squeezed in for the chiropractor tomorrow afternoon, thanks to a very nice scheduling lady.  I slept on my other, less firm pillow last night and flipped that ouchie switch in my neck again.  I'm almost never able to get in to have it fixed so quickly, so that's nice.

And today at one point, I thought, "When do I get to work out again?", which is a sign I'm finally getting back into the gym groove.  I've only been going twice a week this month, but that's twice a week more than I was this summer, so I'm trying to be happy with that.  I can't lift as heavy as I was when I left off in winter, but I'm making progress far more quickly than I did the first time around.

So there are some things I need to focus on next time my brain starts flailing.  Note to self.

working out:weight training, activities:show choir, me:depression

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