You Wanna Be On Top?

May 14, 2007 02:03

Oh, this is getting so depressing.  I've watched the first half of America's Next Top Model Cycle 3, and I love Toccara more and more, and I know how this ends.  She is so damn interesting.  I can't wait to write about her.  I've got 11 pages of quotes/notes so far, and I'm going to go with both race and weight/body shape as my topics - an overall, "how are female bodies constructed on this show?" kind of thing.

I turned in the LibraryThing paper, by the way.  Not my best work, but not particularly concerned about that right now.  As they told me my first semester here, "It doesn't have to be done well, it just has to be done."  What an awful motto for a prof to give a first-year, eh?  She's the one I'm writing the ANTM paper for too.  As if she's actually going to read it.

fandom:top model, grad school:classes:gender in media, grad school:papers

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