Sends Rays of Death to SBC

Aug 10, 2006 14:47


Do you know why I have an entire tag devoted to "squeaky wheel:sbc"?  Because they are all morons.

I beat my head against their brick wall yesterday, calling three separate times (and traveling through the phone tree three separate times), talking with three different reps AND a manager, and not a single one of them considered the fact that MAYBE the fact that I had earlier been told I could get a special price was because it was a student special price, and if any one of the four people during that hour and a half had bothered to ask me if I was a student, I could have saved everyone a little heartache.

But no.  It took calling today to CANCEL my freaking account for someone of normal intelligence to ask, "Hey, are you a student?"  Yes, yes, I am, thanks for asking.  Another thirty minutes later and I'm set for a new transfer, which of course can't happen until Tuesday.

Plus, they told me I could make an appointment to transfer services to my new apartment at the NON-special price, "just in case", and that it "wouldn't hurt anything" and I could cancel at any time with no bad results.  Guess what, Moron?  Cancelling that "just in case" appointment means I lost my phone number, my beautiful, wonderful phone number, my phone number that only used four different digits for all ten in the number.  MORON.  I HATE YOU.

This is a public post, so that anyone Googling "Phone company + moron" discover that the answer is "SBC".

squeaky wheel:sbc, home:moving

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