May 08, 2006 00:19
9:50pm - I'm on page 26. That's bad. I still have ... 14 pages of quotes in my outline to consider. I've covered 46 pages of outlined quotes already, which is good, but the paper is only supposed to be 20-25 pages. Sadly, until moments ago, I had it in my brain as 25-30. Curses. How can I delete words of brilliance about MR into oblivion? It's impossible! And yet necessary.
10:10pm - Young lady, you are not going to bed until you've finished a decent draft. No, a decent draft. I'll know if you're lying, you know.
10:11pm - ::looks at last entry:: Am possibly insane. Is possibly requirement for surviving grad school.
10:35pm - God, just completely, completely stuck. My brain keeps going in circles as I expand and collapse the various outline bits. I have no idea what to type next. Honestly. I've been staring at it for an hour. I do not have time to sit here and stare at this for an hour. Typing must occur at some point. Typing in Semagic does not count.
10:36pm - Gah! Have typed "In the end," and am now cursed with Jewel song running round and round my head while I stare at blinking cursor. I hate that song. Really. I like Jewel's first album quite a lot, but this Kindness song and that stupid Hands one drive me nuts. I'd backspace, but it's the first thing I've typed in an hour, and I'd hate to backslide already.
11:58pm - Am struck with sudden inexplicable surge of optimism. Will accomplish everything that needs accomplishing. Tomorrow, that is. Tonight, shall cling to unearned, unreasonable optimism and go to bed.
grad school:papers:time stamps,
grad school:classes:stardom