Aug 13, 2005 18:05
Arrrrrgh, mateys!
I took a break from the lab this afternoon for further Curb
Pirating. As it was raining, only we truly dedicated pirates were
out in force. I found two white shelving units of the Target
variety that match my little cupboard perfectly. I also got
another two pre-made shelves, in case I ever feel like building
something for real.
My big find today was a shelf/case type thing that is made to stand
over something else (shelves on top with long sides going to the
floor). It's perfect for going over the chair in my living room,
and I shall paint it and fill it with videos. I might try to
fashion another shelf for it, as there's room and I like tapes stored
vertically so much more than horizontally.
No big bookcase/media case thing yet, but tomorrow is the actual
move-out day. I still have hope. In any case, I can
definitely work with what I've found so far. The printer turns
on, by the way. I found a different power cord that I have that
fit, and the lights turned on. I can't actually test it yet,
because my laptop doesn't have the right parallel port, but I'll get to
I wish I was home right now, organizing all of my books, tapes, and DVDs. Doesn't that sound wonderful?
I have strange fantasies.