Summer Possibilities

Mar 15, 2005 10:14

The good news:  Prospective Summer Nanny family has offered me the job.

The bad news:  Apparently, the "four days a week from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm" they advertised on the site was rounded up from the "two days a week" they are actually offering.

I feel bamboozled.  I told them that I have to check on my other options for the other three days a week.  I understand that they want to keep the part-time nanny they have right now, but she's graduating this summer anyway.  Why not just make the switch now?  Theoretically, she might leave in July, if she finishes her thesis, which means they'd need someone full-time.  Depending on what I get as my second job, who knows if I could cover that?  And if not, who will they find part-time by then?

And they want someone into the fall, which I would love, and I'm guessing full-time next summer, which would be great.  But if I get this Tour Guide job that I'd also love, I wouldn't be able to do both in the fall.  Argh.

Why do people lie in advertisements?  She even talked about how some other people responded, but they all wanted something full-time.  Well, yes, that's what happens when you advertise as you did.


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