day of epic fail

Sep 15, 2009 23:59

so in addition to this morning my coworker is more useless than usual and my allergies were acting up so bad I had to take my allergy meds AT WORK. That shit usually knocks me the fuck out within 20 minutes but I couldn't go 5 without blowing my nose so I had no choice. Between that and the 5 ish hours of heavily interrupted sleep this morning I'm fucking done. Trying to bind with your arm half asleep also is very difficult. Fucking shoulder is still killing me.

I guess I'll be back on a normal-ish sleep schedule now? yay? *crashes*

oh... btw... they want 1600 to get Mom's car out... she was only 900 behind... 700 in fees? wtf? *is dead*

rl, work bites, rantage

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