rabid plot bunny

Sep 03, 2009 03:12

Title: Metallic Taint
Word count:506
Rating: PG
Summary: random plot bunny attacked me... so have a drabble (I can do those? o.O)
On that note I need to go to sleep.

Fullmetal… he forced down a bout of derisive laughter. They’d had no idea just how fitting the name was. It was almost obscene, the number of things in his life that had been tainted by metal. His brother. Poor sweet innocent little Alphonse, dragged into a hell Edward could only imagine, trapped in an iron prison because of his own misguided dreams.

His own body, weighted down with the burden of his sins made tangible in the form of steel and wires, now of a softer lighter metal and gears. The arm now a weakness rather than an advantage.

It seemed as though every time he found something worth protecting it was cold steel that destroyed it, tainted it beyond salvaging. Sweet little Nina Tucker forced into that cage of a truck, confused and alone because he couldn’t stop them. So many people hurt because that damned pocketwatch he’d put so much of his faith into had turned out to do absolutely nothing. It was a symbol of power but had done nothing but bring more and more trouble his way. Scar would never have targeted him if not for that damned metal chain dangling from his belt loop. But then, if not for Scar thay’d never have gotten the philosopher’s stone. A blessing in disguise? Hardly.

Then there was, of course, Lieutenant Colonel Hughes, something as simple as a single bullet stole that cheerful man from them. Annoying as he may have been Hughes and Gracia had both treated them as he imagined they would’ve treated their own children.

Now the woman downstairs helped as best she could and Ed could not bring himself to let her mother him. It hurt too much, knowing what had been taken from her on his account. Because he always had to meddle in things. He always had to push away the laws of reason and reach for not just the improbable but the impossible.

He’d thought, if nothing else, when his father had offered him the first metal frame coated in rubber that almost looked like flesh and the leather bands that would secure it, that he’d escaped all that. That perhaps being forced to the other side of the gate meant that he’d be free of the curse just as he was of the title… Fullmetal.

He’d been a fool, beneath the rubber shell his arm and leg were both just as much machine as they’d been in Amestris. Only now it was a lie, a façade put on to fool the world. Pretending as hard as he was that they belonged. But they didn’t belong here and each passing day reassured him of that fact. Especially now…

He stared down at the sleeping form curled next to him on the narrow bed and wondered fleetingly if Alfons even knew he’d been found out. The stifled coughs, the constant excuses… but he’d been getting worse and as much as his face and words could lie. Edward could not ignore the lingering tang of metal in his mouth.

fma, fanfiction, edward elric, alfons

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