Not exactly fic but writing none the less

Aug 31, 2009 00:00

Fandom: FMA, of course
Pairing: Russell/Ed
Theme set: Gamma
Title: Masks of Civility
Rating: G to NC-17
Warning[s]: none? o.O (a surprisingly small amount of smut?)
Notes: Mostly this was a way for me to get a better handle on them before I get into the BBC fic thing. I tried to keep it all mostly generic and, of course, IC *desperately hopes it's all IC* there's a couple in there that are Al musing on the pair so... random Alphonse too!

#1 Ring - After the first night Ed spent in Russell’s room the younger man made a mental note to keep the new alarm clock he was going to have to buy far away from Ed when it rang.

#2 Hero - Edward, who hated his notoriety as the so called ‘Hero of the People’, could not understand what it was that drove Russell to strive for that fame.

#3 Memory - The first time they’d finally stumbled clumsily into bed together Ed had thought he would die of frustration as Russell took the time to slowly move over his body, memorizing every inch of flesh with his lips.

#4 Box - It wasn’t until after he and Ed had been sleeping together for a full month that he began to unpack the few small boxes of his belongings, finally assured that he was not imposing regardless of Al’s frequent protests.

#5 Run - Russell only hoped that one day he’d have the courage to turn and face the demons that haunted his own past just as he knew Ed had done for years.

#6 Hurricane - Ed in bed was just like Ed in every other situation; his passion as much a force of nature as a hurricane.

#7 Wings - Russell couldn’t stop laughing as Ed continued to thrash from his perch, dangling from the recently transmuted tree that held him, coat snagged on branches and fanned out behind him like scarlet wings.

#8 Cold -”You could put on a sweater, y’know.” Russell teased, reluctant to admit how much he enjoyed it when Edward, only half dressed, slid into the bed beside him, cuddling closer on account of the chill.

#9 Red -“Your shirt is… pink.” Ed giggled, only stoking the fires of Russell’s fury since it was his fault for washing that damned red coat with the pale grey shirts Russell favored.

#10 Drink - He’d never been fond of drinking, it had been one of Mugiar’s most distasteful habits, but he found a new appreciation for it in the sharp spice that lingered on Edward’s tongue.

#11 Midnight - More than once Alphonse had woken in the wee hours of the morning, certain it was well past midnight, only to find the noise that had woken him was the other two arguing alchemical theory from opposite sides of their makeshift lab.

#12 Temptation - It was mischievous, if not malicious, but Russell would never be able to resist the temptation to tease Ed about his height.

#13 View -He hadn’t intentionally walked in as Ed was getting out of the shower, despite the older boy’s protests to the contrary, but he certainly didn’t mind the view.

#14 Music - There was something about this new music, this ‘Jazz’ that reminded him of Edward; unconventional, at times loud and jarring but with a permeating air of mystery.

#15 Silk - Their father’s work had only afforded their mother the luxury of real silk once and, though the memory was faded with age, his fingers remembered the luscious texture every time he threaded his hands into Edward’s hair.

#16 Cover - It was ridiculously late and the rain was coming down in sheets when, still laughing and cursing simultaneously, Russell dragged him under the cover of an awning long enough for a kiss that burned away the chill.

#17 Promise - Russell cursed himself for growing so attached but Ed had never promised to return, and Russell had never asked him to.

#18 Dream - There was a fleeting, startling moment when he wanted to be angry at being pulled from the dream until he realized who the arm across his chest belonged to and just what the pressure against his hip was.

#19 Candle - He’d originally cursed the storm for taking out the electricity but when he had Edward sprawled wantonly beneath him, skin and hair gleaming in the candlelight he thought he should’ve been thanking the storm instead.

#20 Talent - Edward was a man of many talents, all of which sparked jealousy in Russell, not least of all the older boy’s ability to derail his train of thought with little more than a look.

#21 Silence - It had taken months but, finally, after all of the shouts, insults, and incessant bickering the pair had finally learned to work together in blessed silence.

#22 Journey - Much as he had missed his brother, the journey back to Central, back to Ed, could not go fast enough.

#23 Fire - Ed had always been as untamable, insatiable, as a wildfire and Russell was only too happy to fuel the flames.

#24 Strength - As far as physical strength was concerned, Edward easily had Russell beat but they soon discovered that the extra reach kept Russell from being at too much of a disadvantage

#25 Mask - Never mind that the sex was amazing, Edward took great pleasure in cracking the other teen’s mask of smug indifference.

#26 Ice - He was surprised when he stumbled out of the blizzard, desperate for a hot bath, only to find the tub already full, steam condensing into a fine layer of ice on the bitterly cold steel of his arm.

#27 Fall - Alphonse had always known that when Edward finally did fall for someone the relationship would be just as unconventionally complex as his brother, but this was the last thing he’d expected.

#28 Forgotten - They fell onto Russell’s bed in a tangle of limbs, experiments left incomplete and forgotten in their desperation.

#29 Dance - Russell groaned as Ed pressed him hard against the wall, coaxing the younger man’s tongue out to dance with his own.

#30 Body - Ed had spent so much time using his body to shock sense into the people he encountered that he had never realized just how beautiful he had become, an oversight Russell quickly vowed to rectify.

#31 Sacred - Watching the care with which the older boy fingered the pages in the ancient tome Russell realized that books were probably the only thing the atheist held sacred.

#32 Farewells - Every time the order came for a mission Al would walk Ed to the station while Russell determinedly remained at their apartment, staring blankly at his research and cursing himself for not wanting to say goodbye.

#33 World - After so many years traveling the breadth of this world Ed found it disconcerting to have a home again, especially one that he considered Russell an essential part of.

#34 Formal - When Alphonse had asked that they keep a civil tongue in public he’d never expected it to make everything quite so forced and oddly formal.

#35 Fever - Once he thought the cool press against his forehead was, in fact, the gentle brush of auto mail fingers but once the fever had broken he assured himself that it must’ve been a dream.

#36 Laugh - Ed was not prone to sentimentality but the first time he heard the smooth roll of Russell’s genuine laughter, not just the arrogant chuckle that was the younger man’s norm, he vowed to make it a more frequent occurrence.

#37 Lies - It is not the words but the way Russell smiles over Fletcher’s most recent letter, assuring Edward that everything is fine, that convinces him the younger man is lying through his teeth.

#38 Forever - This, Russell thought, he could stay like this forever, watching Edward spread beneath him, body clenching tightly around him, cheeks flushed and sweat-dampened hair clinging to his face as a low moan poured from reddened lips.

#39 Overwhelmed - It didn’t happen often but there were times when the older boy would wake in the middle of the night, covered in cold sweat, panting, and clutching painfully to Russell’s side, overwhelmed by nightmares of the past.

#40 Whisper - He’d begun to think he was imagining it, the whisper of breath against the back of his neck, until, the third time, he turned to find Ed hunched over his desk, shoulders shaking with muffled laughter.

#41 Wait - “Shhh, just wait…” Russell purred eliciting a gasp from Ed who clenched his hands in Russell’s hair urging the younger man down, as close to begging as he would ever get.

#42 Talk - There were many things they’d learned to do together with varying levels of civility- research, cook, clean, bicker, even fuck- but conversation, it seemed, was beyond them.

#43 Search - It was beginning to get out of hand, Ed hopping back and forth between the room he shared with his brother and the bed he shared with Russell, as proved by the fact that every other day Ed would have to rip the apartment apart searching for one misplaced article of clothing or another.

#44 Hope - It was simple things that he found hope in, however fleeting it was; a hand on his shoulder, a faint smile, a laugh, but mostly the manic gleam in the older boy’s eyes when they spoke of alchemy.

#45 Eclipse - Ed was always beautiful in a rough, unrefined kind of way but when those expressive eyes widened in pleasure so intense it was almost frightening, pupils eclipsing golden irises, he was breathtaking.

#46 Gravity - He would never admit it to Edward, the older boy would likely throttle him for the mere thought, but he couldn’t help but think that gravity defying little cowlick of his was positively adorable.

#47 Highway - Russell just smiled, shaking his head, as Edward ranted and raved, railing against the government once again; this time about the money being dumped into the senseless construction of yet another new highway.

#48 Unknown - No scientist worth his salt went into an experiment without at least some idea of the probable results but Ed found himself willing to leave his hypothesis as unknown just this once.

#49 Lock - Curiosity gnaws at him as he eyes the single locked drawer of Russell’s desk yet he cannot bring himself to draw the array that would open it, to break the tentative trust that has formed between them.

#50 Breathe - The fleeting moments when Ed would smile and say or do something that could almost be construed as sweet or affectionate Russell found he had to remind himself to breathe.
cut text is this poem by Frost. idk, that poem just reminds me of them.

russell, fma, fanfiction, edward elric

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