New Fic Posted - X-Files - OMG!

Jun 25, 2010 22:43

I've been rereading faaaar too much fanfic lately.  So much so I was even rereading X-Files fanfic, which I kind of lost the taste for over the years.  Then, I was finding a few stories I'd missed out on by favorite authors in the archive Down in the Basement.  While there I forced myself to reread one story of mine just to see how bad it was...and I was surprised that it wasn't TOO bad.  In fact, it was two parts and left on a cliff hanger.  Oh how typical.  I always bite off more plot than I can chew.  I looked in my folder on my computer an found - surprise, I did have more of the story, but unfinished.  I wrapped it up, and posted it with a sense of accomplishment.  Only like 7+ years too late.  LOL

Just in case there's any X-Files fans that still follow me in hopes I'd return (I want to believe...) then if you ever wanted an ending to Unexpected Connection - I just posted part 3 at DitB.  Link takes you to the page where you can read all three parts if you scroll down.  Just fyi.  LOL

m/k, x-files

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