FIC: Abduction 1/? (X-Files) wip

Aug 03, 2006 11:45

So, I'm actually working on a story again.  Thank goodness.  As I said earlier I'm working on my X-Files story - the one that takes place after 'The Shape of Things to Come'.  This one is just called 'Abduction.'    I have pt. 1 done.  I think it'll be about three parts and then I move on to the next part of the series - the aftermath - which will deal with Mulder's return.  This series is Mulder/Skinner and deals with the Mulder/Scully canon side of the story, too, though it differs in how that turned out on the show.  ;)

I won't post 'Abduction' to the Mulder/Skinner mailing list on yahoo until I complete it so it can only be read on my journal until it is done.  I'm not working on any other stories right now so I hope to finish this up quickly, unlike the past few wip's I had that dragged on or just faded so don't give up on me just yet.

Title: Abduction, pt 1
Author: Nikita
Fandom: X-Files
Pairing: M/Sk

Author’s Notes: This story comes after ‘The Shape of Things to Come’.  
Warnings:  Violence, alien torture, angst.  Work in progress.


The moment he stepped off the plane in Oregon, Mulder's condition abruptly changed. The constant pain and weariness that had dogged him for so many months suddenly turned into a powerful *pressure*. He stumbled as the state of his mind shifted and changed, struggling to get his equilibrium back. Scully distractedly asked him if he was okay, fumbling with her luggage and purse.

"Fine," he murmured, compensating for his imbalance and striding purposefully toward their rental car before she could notice his momentary disorientation. The disappearance of the pain brought new force and conviction that he was making the right decision in returning to the place it had all begun for the two of them as partners.

The Truth was here. He was as close as he'd ever been to obtaining it. For some reason he was being given one last chance to vindicate himself and the pursuit for which he and so many others had sacrificed. It was as close to a religious experience as he would ever admit to.



An unidentified, yet undeniable object streaked across the sky, disappearing as quickly as it had appeared. Walter Skinner was barely aware that his heart was still beating as he stood in horrified silence. His throat burned from yelling something - a name - Mulder…

“Oh my god…” he whispered. “They took him,” he said to the empty forest around him. “They fucking took him!” he yelled when no one and nothing answered him. He crashed through the forest, looking hopelessly for any last sign of the man who had so recently walked beside him. Nothing. There wasn’t a clue that just a few moments ago there had been another living breathing human being full of curiosity and determination. The person most important to him in the entire fucked up world.

Skinner looked around once more at the grid of red beams crisscrossing the forest and turned back towards where they had parked the rental car. There was only one other person who would have an inkling as to what had been lost that night.


Mulder blinked at the harsh light and hazily thought he should raise a hand to block it, but the impulse of movement was lost somewhere between thought and action and he just as quickly forgot what he’d meant to do. He turned his head to the side and the world was slow in catching up. His vision blurred with the movement and it took some time before it cleared and solidified again.

‘Drugs,’ he thought in some remote corner of his mind, ‘I’m drugged…’ For some reason that fact didn’t bother him as much as it should. He was more interested in the object now within his sight - a person.

He squinted and tried to focus better. The person was a little blurry, but it was obviously a young woman lying on a table, she appeared to be naked. He blinked and tried to focus on her face.

‘Scully?’ No - the hair was darker…brown…the woman was as still as death. Mulder tried to look past her, but could see only light. He turned his head to the other side - the movement making him dizzy as his vision swam and failed to keep up. He felt his stomach lurch and suddenly he was heaving.

Cold fingers touched his head and shoulders as he was turned on his side, his vomit choking him. His world narrowed in focus as he tried to focus on breathing.

//Response to drug less than optimal. Cease administration.//

The words echoed in his mind, but he was too disoriented to understand. He was cold - he was in pain - he was sick. Where was he? The spasms eased and he breathed through his mouth to avoid the smell that now surrounded him, threatening to make his stomach churn again. Something rough wiped away the mess from his body and he was turned on his back once more.

//Alert the Other - possible hybrid found.//

Mulder squinted into the light once more and saw something gray move out of his vision. He tried to follow the movement, but his head was suddenly gripped by something cold and hard. He tried to move his arms and legs, but found they were being gripped, too. Panic raced through him and his heart began to beat frantically within his ribcage. His breaths came in gasps and he began to scream.



Walter stood uncomfortably by the hospital bed as Scully cried softly to herself. She’d turned her face away from him, but when he’d moved to step out of the room she’d asked him to stay. He glanced around the room and found a chair at the foot of the bed. He sat down quietly and stared at the blinking lights at the foot of the hospital bed. He was numb.

He hadn’t been able to keep from crying as he’d told her he’d lost Mulder. Whether or not she found it odd that their former boss was so broken up over the news he couldn’t say. It was her revelation that she was pregnant that had absorbed his mind since then.

He’d been shocked when she’d said it. Mulder had told him just how heartbroken she’d been to discover her infertility after her abduction. Walter had stuttered trying to switch gears from Mulder’s abduction to her pregnancy in order to ask her how it was possible.

“Uh - I-I see…how…?”

Scully smiled again, bigger this time. The tears in her eyes glistened with happiness. “I don’t know…I guess…I guess the last in vitro must’ve worked. The test said it had failed, but the lab must’ve made a mistake. I’m definitely pregnant,” she chuckled, but it was a strangled one. She was obviously still in shock over it.

Walter shook his head slightly and tried to absorb the information. “So…you had been trying to get pregnant? I had no idea.” Walter wondered if Mulder had even known - surely he would have mentioned it to his lover. They’d spent all of their free time together - shared everything. Of course Scully had no way of knowing that. Walter suddenly wished he could take the last comment back, of course her former boss wouldn’t know about something so private going on in her life.

If Scully thought it odd that he was shocked about his lack of knowledge, she gave no sign. She was still wrapped up in her own thoughts and feelings. “We had. I wanted a baby so much. Mulder knew I’d always wanted a family. I think he did, too…he never liked to talk about the future - our future - but I knew…I know…” her voice cracked and the tears of happiness turned into renewed sadness and she’d turned her face away from him to cry into her pillow.

And that had been the moment his world dropped out from under him a second time. ‘We had…Mulder knew…a family…’ The words echoed in his mind as he stared hard at the blinking green and red lights on the footboard.

After a few moments the crying died down to a wet snuffle and Walter stood and walked back to the side of the bed.

“Agent Scully?” Scully sniffed loudly and turned to face him.

“The baby…it’s Mulder’s?” he asked in as firm a voice as he could manage.

She frowned slightly and put a hand protectively over her stomach. “Yes,” she said in a voice that brooked no refusal.

Walter looked down to where her hand lay and swallowed hard. “I see. I have to go - I have a feeling I’ll be quite busy for the next few days. I’ll check in with you when I can. You’ll let me know if you need anything?”

Scully looked concerned at his sudden coldness, but nodded. “Yes, thank you, sir. And if there’s anything I can do to help you-”

“I’ll be fine, thank you,” he interjected brusquely. With a final nod he turned and left the hospital as fast as his legs could carry him.


to be continued in pt. 2

shape series, slash, x-files

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