drabbles100 Challenge: Michael Samuelle. 4 and 5/100

Feb 13, 2007 12:38

Title: Waiting
Characters: Michael; Jurgen mentioned
Prompt: First
Word Count: 100
Rating: PGish
Summary: --Another opens.
Spoilers: through mid-Season 2.

First - Waiting

In prison I only thought I was dead.

In Section we are all dead. Ghosts haunting corridors of chrome and steel.

I’m a “recruit” in training. Armaments; hand-to-hand; computers; languages; profiling. An eclectic mix.

Advanced courses in world politics. Economics. Art History. Other courses without names, like learning whom to trust. No one. Ever.

Valentine training makes me sick. I’ll never be their whore. Never again.

Jurgen says I’m “first in my class.” Slated for early graduation. Looks like I’ll survive. For now. As soon as I’m out I’ll step in front of the first bullet that comes my way.

Title: Maybe
Characters: Michael; Simone and Jurgen mentioned
Prompt: Last
Word Count: 100
Rating: PGish
Spoilers: through mid-Season 2.

Last - Maybe

I don’t like Simone.

I need to stay angry; stay focused.

She makes me laugh.

Simone is a distraction. She’ll be my teammate when my training is finished. Not for long, though I haven’t decided if I want to move up; or just out.

Jurgen sent Simone and me out of Section. For coffee. I knew it was a test, and I passed.

What I did saved innocent people’s lives. Simone and I talked about it over dinner. When she’s not trying to be a comic she’s a good listener. Maybe Section is where I’m supposed to be. At last.

My drabbles100 prompt table is here.

simone, jurgen, la femme nikita, michael, prequel, drabbles

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