It all started with a silly meme quiz…

May 12, 2007 01:20

Something about a title. The bit that stuck with me was “mellow under trollness,” and I had an epiphany (or probably just a thought; it’s late and I’m kinda too tired to epiphanize). But the “troll” part got me thinking, and not good thoughts. Memories of why, after a vocal minority got pissed off because I dared to write a narrative of “How I Didn’t Spend My Summer Vacation” in my journal, I had to go back through said journal and lock a whole bunch of posts for my flist only. Nothing Pulitzer-worthy; just musings, a rant or two, a few giggles. Some quizzes swiped and shared among friends. Why should that stuff, done in fun, have to be locked away?

So my “epiphany,” or whatever, sounded a little bit like, “Screw them and the horse they rode in on.” *They* certainly screwed *me* for several weeks. Hopefully, all the little trolls have taken their little minds and slithered back under their little rock where they can celebrate their slug-fest in the dark. Get it? “Rock-slug?” LOL Did I mention I was tired?

Long story longer, if my LJ suddenly seems a tad bit lengthier to those not on my flist, that be the reason. I started working backward and only made it to November, and I didn’t unlock everything; I’m not suicidal. I’m pretty much an open book and tell it like it is, but the events of the past five months have shown me not everyone can handle the truth when it bites them in the ass.

On that note, goodnight, and have a pleasant tomorrow.

censorship, adult content, quiz, amusing, writing, friends, rant, honesty

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