I know…I know…I know…

May 10, 2007 00:15

Every time I do this, votership seems to dry up. And I *really* hate being a nag, but I feel like I’m voting in a vacuum. Shoveling sand with a fork, so to speak.

You know the drill. Go to TV_VOTE NOW and click the little boxes next to La Femme Nikita, Les Filles de Caleb, and Scoop (they’re alphabetized for easy findability). Click on the “CLICK ONCE TO VOTE” bar. Then, click on the line that says “Go to the TV_Vote Nominations Poll!.” In the white box, type in any of the following: The Last Chapter; The Last Chapter II: The War Continues; or Blanche. Feel free to rotate every hour. I know “Blanche” is the easiest to type, but right now The Last Chapter II needs the most help. Click on the “CLICK ONCE TO VOTE” bar and wait for the “Thank you” message.

Lather, rinse, repeat; every hour on the hour. We can do this, people.

LFN was #2 as recently as last September; and it took us less than seven months once we found the poll to get there. Sure, the “Xenites” 9_9 are #1 and likely to remain so, but they started voting WAY back in 2001. But LFN has slipped to #6 and is plummeting like mad. Votes for Les Filles de Caleb and Scoop are so low that those shows will fall off Top 40 poll and into oblivion soon. Very soon for Scoop unless we turn things around.

So remember, please; vote often and repeatedly. Oh, and voting for any of the other shows in the poll *kinda* defeats the purpose of this appeal. Thanks! ;)

blanche, tlc, poll, peta wilson, la femme nikita, lfdc, scoop, fandom, tv, roy dupuis

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