who the heck is keira knightley

May 04, 2007 17:04

other than an anorexic with reality issues?

There was a series of articles about her and her weight on AOL news. In the first, she claims she's never heard of anorexia; when she saw it in a headline with her pic someone had to explain it to her. THEN, in another interview a few weeks later she says she's very aware of anorexia, as many in her family have/had it; so she's quite sure she doesn't. At some point, her doctor supposedly told her that to gain weight, she'd have to "eat shit food, stop exercising, and drink loads." Ri-i-i-ght. Like any credible doctor would actually tell someone NOT to exercise unless it would be injurious; not a problem with Keira since she also stated she has *never* worked out. It's also totally believable that a doctor would encourage junk food and alcohol to gain weight as opposed to a healthy diet and protein shakes. Not.

Let's assume, for a moment, that the woman is perfectly healthy and telling the truth (in one of those times where she didn't contradict herself). Word of advice? Protruding bones are not attractive, Keira. Those forced to have them due to poverty or deprivation would back me up on this. Eat something, woman, or at be honest with yourself and your public.

celebrity, who?, health, intelligence, amusing, rant, honesty, keira

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