Title: Split
Characters: Michael; Simone and two canon characters mentioned
Prompt: Months
Word Count: 100
Rating: PGish
Summary: --Somewhere ages and ages hence:--
Spoilers: through mid-Season 3.
Months -- Split
Simone is in the shower.
The hot water ran out an hour ago, but she’s always this way after a Valentine mission. She thinks she disgusts me. She doesn’t. Section does.
I live my life split in two, Michael. Section may own my body, but not my soul.
I can’t do this.
I’ve seduced marks, though it took a week’s worth of showers each time. I still feel dirty.
“Salla Vacek’s daughter, Elena. Twenty-years old. Seduce her; marry her. Lure her father out of hiding. Failure is not an option.”
I can’t do this.
What if it takes a month?
Title: Patiently
Characters: Michael; three canon characters referred to
Prompt: Years
Word Count: 100
Rating: PGish
Spoilers: through mid-Season 3.
Years - Patiently
My bride is almost ready.
I wait patiently while she brushes her dark hair; smooth the seams of her white dress. She’s nervous. I’m terrified.
We arrive at the chapel separately; she with her friends and I with my team. The priest tells me where to stand, and I obey. I can’t take my eyes off her face. The music begins and I feel sick. I find courage in her eyes before tearing my sight away to scan the pews; hopeful.
Vacek isn’t here.
My “other” bride begins her slow march down the aisle. I could wait patiently. For years.
My drabbles100 prompt table is here.