But I thought I'd just share my Doctor/Master obsession that I have at the moment.
It's only like two pictures, but what a hell. Everything to waste time. :D
And I caught a cold... so I can't do anything... D:
The 10th is not my favorite Doctor... but he was such sweetheart, so it's hard NOT to like him.
And I'll forever love John Simm. Just because.
I hope they bring back Master into Who.
Because really... it's a brilliant character. :D
And I'm currently watching Torchwood since I already finished watching the 5th and 6th seasons of newseries!Who.
And then I'm working on watching all the seasons with 10th. But I'm slow on that progress.
I'm so biased towards 11th.
Don't bother with this entry. It's really just me ranting about nonsense.
And my current fandom.
I want to write a Torchwood inspired Super Junior/any K-pop group fanfic. But well... we'll see about that.