OK. Here's the thing guys.
I'm super super busy, like everyone else around this time of year. But I still took a some time to write in my journal between schoolwork. UGH. D:<
ANYWAY. people who actually read my journal regurarly... here's some news about what I'm working on right now:
- Delivering Heechul to China part 2-4 (Zombie AU) + AU!Circus Super Junior fic thing. (don't ask)
- Whispers from the Audience (SiMin oneshot)
- Post-it notes (bandfic!Super Junior)
- SooSeop AU!School-fic (or something like that) have no title yet.
- Fics that I'm supposed to have finished a long time ago:
- New Neighbours,
- Might be in Love,
- I hate my new school,
- The chaptered JongKey that I forgot the title for at the moment,
- AU!Gang-fic (Super Junior) with Yesung as an awesome gangleader (only pairing I've kinda decided on yet is KangTeuk... but I'm open for suggestions :D)
- Remember me (A new SooSeop fic in which Kiseop has amnesia, lol),
- Be Only mine (a u-kiss AU, eventual SooSeop),
- Star King fic with no fandom picked yet,
- Pictures of you (Another SooSeop.)
- My Heart, Your Heart (I really wanna finish this one, ElVin)
- AU!math tutor Soohyun (SooKiSeop)
- When he... (drabbles.)
Please tell me which fanfics you really wanna see updated first. A few people have more privilages and can affect me more... but I consider everyones feelings. This is what I'm planning to do during summer alright... so you might have to wait for a while XD <3