Seven Things

Mar 18, 2009 00:31

Saw this on the journal of  grdnofevrythng and thought I'd give it a try. Plus, I never post anything so...

Seven things I want to do before I die:
1) Live in France
2) Write something good. Fan fic, book, screenplay, anything really :)
3) Take an acting class
4) Find the courage to shave off all my hair and grow dread-locks
5) Be in Love
6) See Michelangelo's David
7) Learn to play the violin

Seven things I can do:
1) Sell an appliance or television
2) Give honest advice
3) Become easily annoyed
4) Act poorly towards others because I'm annoyed
5) Procrastinate and then get upset with myself for doing so
6) Install wood flooring
7) Make it through the day on 3-4 hours of sleep

Seven things I can't do:
1) Use a public restroom (only as a last resort after HOURS of holding it)
2) Do yoga. It bores me senseless.
3) Listen to techno or trance
4) Ever again attend church
5) High level maths
6) Get any sleep without taking something to help
7) And I can't seem to find my life's calling


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